Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I like the idea of giving up something for lent, although it drives my wife crazy because the last time we were in a church, I wore a tuxedo and she wore white. I've always been taught that you should give up something that hinders your progress as a Christian, something like Robert DeNiro's character in The Mission when Jeremy Irons cuts away his old armor. Giving up chocolate may be a worthwhile exercise for an eighth grader, but how many adults are held back by Lindt Mozart Kugels? Try to go 40 days without finding fault or fast for one day a week and you may have more compassion for the hungry. Refrain from spending money on non-essentials and you may come to understand what it means to be poor in this country. Refrain from living indoors, health care, education and eating altogether and you may come to understand how many of the world’s poor people live their entire lives. Are any of these guaranteed to make you a better person and a better Christian? No, but it won’t hurt you.
Disclaimer: While I really do believe all of what I just wrote, I am perhaps the least likely to follow it. Hypocritical? Probably. But that doesn't mean it isn't true.

1 comment:

CultMan said...

Yep, I feel the same way... go for it, if you're willing....

Lent is a time for surprising capacity of willpower...