Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Alabama Felon Sues To Regain Franchise

A felon in Alabama is suing because she is no longer able to vote. Our friends the ACLU are naturally aiding and abetting this felon, claiming the law the preventing her from voting is vague. I think I have a solution: all felons, regardless of the nature of their crimes, should lose the right to vote. That's pretty clear, set it to a vote.
It would probably be helpful if you had to pass a civics exam in order to vote, nothing outrageous, just a little metric to see if you can figure out how to make your choices known and if you have a clue about what's going on in the world. Something like this test from the Pew Research center.


Anonymous said...

The only problem with using that test, as with some othes online, is that, eg, I just took the test and my "final results" were skewed because the last 4 answers were recorded incorrectly (I've never even heard of some of the folks I supposedly clicked on).

El Duderino said...

"The only problem with using that test, as with some othes online, is that, eg, I just took the test and my "final results" were skewed because the last 4 answers were recorded incorrectly (I've never even heard of some of the folks I supposedly clicked on)."
Are you a Florida Voter?

Anonymous said...

Sticking up for the previous caller, let's call him or her "Chad", the same thing happend to me...

Anonymous said...

It just so happens, Mr DAH & Scott J, that I am not a Florida voter, but a CT voter who has known El D since he was in High School and very much supports his blog, and he .... dated my sister (God forgive us); ha ha.

But PEW, nevertheless, inaccurately recorded my answers, and the last 4 "votes" were for folks I don't even know about; took it again, PEW got it right, and I came out on top, so to speak; and don't, at risk of your face, tell me I somehow clicked on 4 consecutive "unknowns" over names I well-knew because....well, why?!?

Especially since, El D, I endorse your basic sentimemnt. I am only saying that tests etc can be very awkward things to supervise. Trust me, as a teacher, glitches happen; but in computer test systems (as opposed to our old "scanning" cards test systems) it should be very rare. Sometimes it's not as easy to tell who is your foe, and who's simply trying to help.

PS And I've explained to El D previously why I am unwillingly "Anonymous," otherwise you'd know me as CultMan, not Chad.

Anonymous said...

Just took it again (obviously I should have got 100 percent -- but wait -- Number 11 they have now twice mis-graded my on).

So my question as to why?

I inacurrately scored 70%, then more accurately 90% (DOW JONES doesn't interest me THAT much), then again low 80%.

With obvious mis-grading of my responses to #11 twice.
