Some men are damned because they have hearts of stone, neither fire nor water has any effect on them. So it is with liberals and logic. From time to time I'll engage a liberal in conversation which is like translating Finnegan's Wake into Goldfish - there's no point to it.
There's this annoying accountant I know who defends Michael Moore's films as 100% factual and maintains that John McCain said we'd be in Iraq for 100 years. Pointing out that even a cursory fact check of Moore's films would show a level of prevarication not seen since Bill Clinton last got caught with strange, i.e. any, lipstick on his boxers or that in fact, John McCain never said we'd be in Iraq for 100 years falls on willfully deaf ears. Why bother? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but liberals want there own facts.
Another example, an attorney friend and I were discussing the election and a pleasant enough woman overhearing us asked if we supported Obama, my friend said no, I said hell no and she looked as if we bit off a chunk of a Baby Ruth floating in the pool or a chicken's head. "Aren't you concerned about global warming? It's the most pressing issue facing the world today". My friend, "No". Me, "Hell no it has nothing to do with us." She said, "I can't believe you think that" and walked away.
Then there's my favorite:
What should we do about Iraq?
Liberal: Pull out immediately.
Isn't that irresponsible?
Liberal: We shouldn't have been there to begin with.
I disagree, but let's assume you're right, what now?
Liberal: Bush lied, people died, we need our troops home immediately, do you know we spend $35 billion a day there? That money could be used to fight global warming or for the AIDS quilt.
I thought the AIDS quilt caused global warming.
Liberal: I can't believe you think that.
I don't, not really, what about the Middle East? If we leave, won't Iraq become a resource rich failed state - a perfect breeding ground for groups like Al Queda to stage attacks on the US, our allies and interests?
Liberal: There's no Al Queda in Iraq.
Jesus, who says that?
Liberal: Keith Olbermann.
You must be shitting me. Al Queda cells have been uncovered in nearly every country in the Middle East and Europe, why not Iraq?
Liberal: Saddam Hussein wasn't religious and Al Queda is. There's no way two groups so opposed could agree on anything.
Like Stalin's Soviet Union and Hitler's Third Reich could never agree on anything, such as dividing up Poland, Romania, Finland and the Baltic States?
Liberal: The Soviet Union fought the Nazis in the Great Patriotic War, they were enemies stupid.
Yeah I know, I saw the movie, but prior to the war they signed a non-aggression pact that Hitler later violated.
Liberal: Are you sure? I never heard of that.
I'm afraid so. It's called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939. Your people at the time were outraged that the USSR would sully themselves by dealing with Hitler. As if one were worse than the other.
Liberal: What do you mean 'my people"?
Useful idiots on the left.