Bury me, my love
in holy soil
Beneath the green grass
and cold black earth
Upon the hill, above the church
that knew me as a child
Let me lay beneath the leaves
safe from curious conscience
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Next: the Glendronach 25yo 1968/1993 (43%, OB, 100% Sherry). Nose: Aaaaaah... This is MUCH more like it. Kiwi fruits. Deep sherry. Good wood. Unique. It has a 'light' and subtle fruitiness, despite the fact that it's obviously from a sherry cask.This is really something - it has a combination of features I never found in any other malt. Taste: Surprisingly soft start, developing into something medicinal with smoke and liquorice.You can taste the age. Pink bubblegum. Dry, woody and distinctively 'winey' finish.That might have lost it some points if it didn't keep surprising me at every corner. Score: 94 points - it earns one or two extra points for uniqueness. Simply stunning. That makes it the highest scoring malt at a 'normal' proof (40% or 43%) in my book..Also, it's the highest scoring Speysider on the Hit List . Really amazing stuff. But then again I guess I'm a sherry freak. This may be too much fun for some.
"I can't believe that my child is going through testing just like the person sitting next to him or her and she's not being counted," said Angela Smith, a single mother. Her daughter, Shunta' Winston, was among two dozen black students whose test scores weren't broken out by race at her suburban Kansas City, Mo., high school.
"I wanted to do a tour like I did during the Vietnam War, a tour of the country," the Oscar-winning actress said Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America." "But then Cindy Sheehan filled in the gap, and she is better at this than I am. I carry too much baggage."
Natasha was coming home from the hospital after Easter, Bernier found out. And yes, there was something that would make her life easier: a ramp, so the girl, who uses a wheelchair, could get in and out of the house. Bernier began fundraising, asking fellow officers to chip in for materials. He turned to his brother-in-law, a carpenter who has years of experience making homes accessible for the handicapped. Bernier's brother-in-law quickly drew up a design, and tapped a fellow carpenter to help. The crew went to Hartford Lumber to buy the wood, but when the company found out who the project was for, refused to take payment. On Saturday, when he could have spent opening day of the fishing season on the water with his 5-year old son, Bernier arrived in front of Natasha's foster home before 7 a.m. So did his brother-in-law, his brother-in-law's assistant, and four fellow police officers who hadn't even worked on Natasha's case. One of them had to use up a personal vacation day to be there. By 3:15 p.m., they had finished the ramp."It's the right thing to do," said Sgt. Martin Miller, when asked why he was spending his day away from his wife and 5-week-old daughter, but with a handful of fellow police officers, constructing a ramp in preparation for the homecoming of a child he'd never met."It was the right decision," said Natasha's new parents, who have asked not to be identified, when asked why they took Natasha and her three siblings into their home - already full with soccer trophies and mementoes marking the achievements of their 10- and 16-year old sons."It was just the right thing," Bernier said.
"It was not fair,'" said Mercedes, a 31-year-old Detroit woman who attended the rally and was fired. "We went to fight for our rights." Mercedes is undocumented and asked that her last name not be used.
"I'm proud to be a Red Sox player," said the player, who just last year was awarded a plaque by ownership, honoring him as the "Best Clutch Player" in Red Sox history. "We had a long talk about myself staying here in Boston. What can I say? I want to finish my career as a Red Sox player. Thanks to Mr. Lucchino, Mr. Henry and Mr. Werner and Theo, we worked this out so I'll be around a while."