Despite all the f-bombs sometimes carelessly cast about here, I like to offer some family friendly content from time to time. Have it and go easy on the Karen Carpenter jokes.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
At the third opening, these words:
“Work is love made visible.”
To which I reply, You must have been pretty lucky in your job,
If you ever actually had a job,
But then I recall myself to myself,
And I discern that my task at the moment is but to open the book,
Not to comment thereupon.
True, some of our veteran pitchers are free agents this year, Schilling, Wakefield, Timlin, Tavares, even Gagne, but I trust the Red Sox management to make the right decisions on who to bring back. With that said, I hope they manage to bring back Mike Lowell. Outstanding defense and great offense are a tough package to replace. I hope A-Rod stays the hell away from the Red Sox and they stay the hell away from him. I know he's good, that's not in question, but he brings more baggage than Brittany Spears checking into yet another rehab. Plus he's far too expensive. No one is worth that sort of money, unless of course he opens up lucrative foreign markets for your team ala Daisuke Matsuzaka. Plus that bush league psych-out stuff Scott Boras pulled during game four should be met by a league wide boycott of A-Rod. It won't be, but that 'd be great to see.
"So here we are, 3 games in Denver, needing to win 2. No matter which side of the fence you’re on I would bet you’ll see two teams playing tomorrow that are playing for their lives. We’ll play this game as if we were down 2-0. We have to because the Rockies are backed into a corner and prior to game 1 of the world series they spent 22 straight games being backed into a corner and won 21 of them." ( link )
It's getting to the point where if Nicholas Cage is in a movie it's a pretty good indication that it's going to be a crap fest, to wit The Wicker Man. I won't bore you with all the tedious details and my convoluted prose, but take my word for it, this movie sucks. Implausible, ponderous, predictable and worse yet - you never care for Cage's character. In fact I hoped he'd buy it in the most painful way possible. Unfortunately it takes nearly 100 minutes for it to happen. Whoops, that was a spoiler. Sorry.
If you must see a Wicker Man type movie, rent the original with Edward Woodward, it's much, much better. While your at it, rent another fine Edward Woodward film, perhaps his best, Breaker Morant.
Academics cringe at the words truth and certainty. They believe that truth and certainty aren’t possible because philosophers have shown that neither empirical
nor deductive knowledge can be made error free.
But in the case of a finite number of discrete entities, such as the chemical elements or the human genes, certainty is an appropriate word.
And in any event, our knowledge of atoms and genes is as certain as our knowledge of tables and chairs, and a lot more certain than our knowledge of human behavior.
On the 10th April 1770, he arrived in Rome together with his father and, as guest of many noble and ecclesiastic salons, the “infant prodigy” showed his mastery. He also went to a liturgical celebration in the Sistine Chapel, where he could listen to the Miserere by Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) for two nine-part choirs; already knowing that he could not get the music score because it was strictly prohibited, he transcribed the piece by heart at the end of the liturgy, almost without any mistakes. Mozart so highly impressed the scholars of the Curia that Pope Clement XIV decided to honour the artistic talent of the this boy from Saltsburg by granting him a private audience (together with father Giovanni Battista Martini, another famous musician who Mozart had already met in Bologna), thus conferring him the high honour of the golden army or the “Golden Spur”.
"This is not the best parenting I've ever seen and she needs to be held accountable," Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. said.
Al Gore and the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to "spread awareness of man-made climate change and to lay the foundations for fighting it." By that logic Rosie O'Donnell should win for spreading awareness of obesity and shrill political discourse. It used to be that you were awarded the Nobel Prize for, you know, actually doing something. Flying around in your Gulf Stream VXI and being driven to rubber chicken dinners in your Escalade motorcade while maintaining 40,000+ square feet of heated, air conditioned, lit and plumbed living space to "raise awareness of global warming" is not accomplishing anything, other than straining the bounds of credibility and hypocrisy.
The worst part of this once prestigious award being granted to Al Gore and the U.N., other than the fact that two more feckless entities could scarcely be imagined, is that even if Gore and the poltroons in Turtle Bay were living in in yurts made of recycled tampons and going to and from work on pogo sticks it wouldn't change the fact that most of everything you hear about global warming is based on junk science. So much so that it's not science at all. My fellow citizens on left who cling to the tenets of global warming the way Richard Simmons' shorts cling to his sweaty thighs, are the first to point out the spurious science involved in intelligent design. Yet 99.9999% of what they believe they believe on faith because asno gordos like Gore have told them so.
Time and again, "researchers" have released reports designed to influence policy and actually do, that upon any serious inspection prove to false. But hey, why bother with facts when one can merely raise awareness?
Good story on global warming from The Cato Institute and another from Reason Magazine.